Resolutions Committee

The Resolutions Committee reviews drafts of all resolutions submitted for consideration at the Annual Diocesan Convention, including content, language, format, and appropriateness for Convention vote. Following its review, the Committee will either acknowledge receipt of the draft as complete, send it back to the submitter for revision, or return it with suggestions about how to address the issue through another, more appropriate means within the diocese. If any concerns remain about the resolution, a conference call or meeting will be arranged with the author of the resolution.

Resolutions may be submitted by any duly elected Clergy or Lay Delegate to the Annual Diocesan Convention. All resolutions proposing constitutional and/or canonical changes must reviewed by the Constitution and Canons Committee.

To learn more about Annual Convention, including guidelines for creating resolutions, click HERE.

For more information, please contact the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire’s Diocesan Office.