As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.

Next up, we have Margaret Porter.

How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?

My first General Convention as a deputy was 2009 in Anaheim, Califoria. Then Indianapolis, Salt Lake City; Austin, TX; and next Baltimore, MD which means this will be my fifth convention and I've served as a deputy for 13 consecutive years.

Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?

A deputy has the opportunity and privilege of seeing the Church in action, and participating in the legislative process that puts substance into our beliefs. General Convention displays the church in all its diversity--ethnicity, demographics, geography, outlook, and opinions, and manifests that we are truly an international and highly dedicated portion of the faithful, proclaiming Christ's message of love and salvation through our votes, our witness, our worship, and our communications.

What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?

I am chairing the Committee on Privilege and Courtesy--for the third time! Our charge is to compose and present courtesy resolutions for the House of Deputies.

What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?

The gathering of the faithful, the completion of the tasks begun remotely, in very unusual pandemic circumstances. Reflecting on and determining what impact and inspiration the acts of Convention will have on our own Diocese of New Hampshire. Attending hearings on resolutions, as schedule permits. And enjoying the fellowship of the New Hampshire deputies, being with each other each day in the House of Deputies and at meeting time when we share our experiences, report on our activities, and offer insights on pending legislation. Also, the worship is incredible--hearing gifted preachers, attending communion with a vast body of saints, hearing our familiar liturgy presented in languages other than English.
