The 221st Annual Diocesan Convention

Divine Disruption: Making New Ways to Jesus

was held virtually on Friday, November 3, 2023 and in person Saturday, November 4, 2023

A Brief Recap:

Watch the November 3 Convention business meeting here.

Watch the November 4 Eucharist here.

Bishop Rob’s Address:

View video here and read transcript here.


Minutes from the 221st Annual Diocesan Convention will be available in the 2024 Pre-Convention Journal.

The Convention began with a Land Acknowledgement, which is available to the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire for use at any gathering:

Land Acknowledgement of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire

We acknowledge the spiritual and physical connection the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples have maintained to N’dakinna (N-DAH-kee-nah) and the aki (land), nebi (water), olakwika (flora), and awaasak (fauna) which the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire strives to steward today. We also acknowledge the hardships they continue to endure after the loss of unceded homelands. We reaffirm The Episcopal Church’s renunciation of the Doctrine of Discovery. We repent of these sins and take responsibility for working to repair these damages ecumenically. We seek to foster relationships and opportunities that strengthen the well-being of the Indigenous People who carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.

2023 Elections

Secretary of Convention, 1-year term – Alice Perry, St. Andrew’s, New London

Chancellor of the Diocese, 2-year term – Robert Wells, St. Andrew’s, Hopkinton

Standing Committee, Lay Order, 3-year term – Joan Bowers, St. Paul’s, Concord

Standing Committee, Clerical Order, 3-year term – The Rev. Dr. Guy Collins, St. Thomas, Hanover

Treasurer of Convention, 1-year term – Chris Porter, St. Paul’s, Concord

Diocesan Council Finance Committee, 3-year term – Jack Ferguson, All Saints’, Wolfeboro

Results of Voting on 2023 Resolutions

Resolution 1, Reducing Plastic Pollution – APPROVED VERSION

Resolution 2, Clarification on Lay Quorum at Convention – APPROVED VERSION

Resolution 3, Amendments to Assorted “Loose Canons” - APPROVED

Resolution 4, Becoming Beloved Community: A Plan for Reparations - APPROVED

Resolution 5, Proposed 2024 Diocesan Budget - APPROVED

How Are You Called? Bishop’s Committee Appointments for 2024

In prior years, Bishop Rob has announced appointments to the diocese’s committees and commissions – groups like Earth Care, Reconciliation, Our Kids, Mission Resources, and others – prior to diocesan convention.
This year, we are doing things differently. With the help of the Commission on Ministry and the Nominations Committee, Bishop Rob is appointing individuals to committees and commissions after convention.

If you find yourself energized and inspired to wonder how you might be called to be a part of the diocesan commissions and committees  that carry out the work of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire, please express your willingness to serve on this form.

Courtesy Resolutions

The following courtesy resolutions were read during the Convention business meeting on November 3:

Resolution of Gratitude to Trinity Church, Claremont 

Resolution of Greeting to the Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry

Resolution of Greeting and Congratulation to the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson

Resolution of Greeting to Sue Theuner

Resolution of Greeting to the Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Ely